ComeOn betting app for India is sports betting app with modern features. It has an exclusive betting app for Indians in which every Indian user can place their bet on sports like cricket, kabaddi, etc. It was founded in 2008. Its headquarters is located in Malta and owned by Co-gaming limited. It is best for its innovative style of betting features which makes the app up to date. One of the unique features that the ComeOn Indian app offers is the bazaar. It is the place where users are allowed to buy various ranges of promos for betting and bonuses.
Features and about the app
One can earn coins while placing the best in any type. Bets may be free or live bets, etc. Users are allowed to earn coins. Using the coins, they can buy their own set of bonuses. Coins are provided in various cases. By providing a mobile number, identifying your identity, playing casino games online, etc., one can earn coins. It is one of the innovative ideas that no other betting app has ever touched. There are highly professional dealers in casino online games. Casinos have hundreds of game types and every game is best at its quality in ComeOn.
It accepts UPI, Indian net banking, VISA card, Skrill, Neteller, and many more for deposits and withdrawals. Other than common sports that are available in different apps, ComeOn allows betting on online slot games, online roulette, blackjack, baccarat, and many more. ComeOn is compatible with both Android and iOS devices. It has 24/7 chat support and also e-mail support to address user’s queries which is just a single step away. In this app, one can place their bets in live betting and also cash out the type of bets. The only disadvantage with this app is that they charge a minimal fee for every deposit you make, which is 2.5%. Welcoming bonuses are also available but the requirements for availing them are a bit hard when compared to other apps.

To join the ComeOn Indian app, one must visit their website. Then, click on the join now button. It shows you a registration form. After filling it, you have to deposit a minimum amount in your account. Selecting currency type and by using one of the payment methods, a deposit can be done. Then, you are good to go. You can start your betting. The Welcome bonus can be up to 10000 rupees. For example, if you deposit 10000 rupees from your account, you can start betting with 20000 rupees. It avails you 100% welcoming bonus up to 10000 rupees. There are also terms and conditions for receiving the welcoming bonus.
ComeOn is one of the innovative betting apps in the betting industry. Though it has some disadvantages related to welcoming bonuses terms and conditions, it has touched and maintained its grace with such unique features which are never tried by any other apps that are working currently. So, it is worth a try for anyone who wants to start betting. For a new defined betting experience, join it and have fun.